

Junior Cycle

The following is the list of subjects available to Junior Cycle students:





Home Economics

Visual Art




Business Studies

Materials Technology (Wood)


Civic, Social & Political Education

Religious Education

Social, Personal & Health Education

Computer Studies

Career Guidance

Physical Education



This programme ensures that each student, on the completion of the Junior Certificate examination (Year 3), will have the full range of career choices and subject options open to him/her as s/he progresses to Senior Cycle.

Senior Cycle Academic Excellence

Students receive a thorough preparation and academic training in all subjects at whichever of three levels, Higher, Ordinary or Foundation, subjects are chosen. Career Paths. St. Brogan’s College students achieve high grades in the national examinations and are gainfully employed in a wide range of careers: business, banking, commerce, trades, government services, farming, the professions, priesthood, enterprise, etc., etc. Programmes. There are three Senior Cycle programmes currently being taught at St. Brogan’s College: the traditional Leaving Certificate, the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (L.C.V.P.) and the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme (L.C.A.P.).

Transition Year

Click here to visit our dedicated Transition Year Page.

Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (L.C.V.P.)

LCVP is an additional leaving certificate subject offered to senior cycle students in St Brogans. Its aim is to prepare students for the world of work. The course comprises of two modules: The World of Work Enterprise   Students must complete a portfolio by year two and also sit a written exam. LCVP prepares students for entering into the world of work, by completing a CV and attending a recorded mock interview. Students also learn about enterprise and the world of business.   Students can also use points awarded from LCVP to gain entry to third level colleges.   LCVP Co-Ordinator: Nuala Falvey LCVP is a Senior Cycle Programme of the Department of Education and Science, designed to give a strong vocational dimension to the Leaving Certificate (established). The programme combines the virtues of academic study with a new and dynamic focus on self-directed learning, enterprise, work and the community.   Young people taking the LCVP have a unique opportunity to develop their interpersonal, vocational and technological skills. These skills are equally relevant to the needs of of those preparing for further education, seeking employment or planning to start their own business.The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan. For full details see the L.C.V.P. website by clicking here >>>

Learning Difficulties

Resource Teaching at St. Brogan’s College   Resource teaching is a relatively new phenomenon in the Irish Education System. Resource teaching posts were first introduced in November 1998 as a result of the allocation of additional teaching hours for students with Special Educational Needs (S.E.N.).   The role of the Resource Teacher is primarily to teach students with S.E.N. and to look after their welfare. The resource teacher gets to know the S.E.N. students, their strengths, their needs, their learning styles and devise strategies to accommodate their learning styles.   The resource teacher also liaises with the mainstream teachers and advises on matters pertaining to the students. Successful inclusion of students requires collaboration between all teachers involved.   The resource teacher generally supports students who have been formally assessed by a psychologist as having a special educational need.   The Education for Persons with a Special Educational Need Act 2004 (E.P.S.E.N) defines a special educational need as: “a restriction in the capacity of a person to participate and benefit from education on account of an enduring physical, sensory, mental health or learning disability, or any other condition which results in a person learning differently from a person without that condition”.   The term ‘Special Educational Need’ covers a broad spectrum of conditions. Learning disabilities are categorised as Low Incidence and High Incidence. Low Incidence include:

  • Physical Disability
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Visual Impairment
  • Emotional Disturbance
  • Severe Emotional Disturbance
  • Moderate General Learning Disability
  • Severe/Profound General Learning Disability
  • Autism/Autistic Spectrum Disorder
  • Assessed Syndrome
  • Specific Speech and Language Disorder
  • Multiple Disabilities

High Incidence include:

  • Borderline Mild General Learning Disability
  • Mild General Learning Disability
  • Specific Learning Disability

A student who has been diagnosed and allocated resource hours may be withdrawn from the classroom by the resource teacher or if it is deemed beneficial for him/her to remain in the classroom, a resource teacher will be involved in supporting the student through Team Teaching in the classroom.   Students who do not meet the criteria for resource teaching support, but who have low achievement levels in Literacy and Maths are eligible for Learning Support. They are taught in small groups.   The Post Primary Guidelines on Inclusion state that: “The goal of inclusion is not to erase or ignore differences between individuals, rather inclusion aims to enable all students to fully belong to the school community and to be educated within a framework in which differences between individuals are accommodated”.   St. Brogan’s College takes pride in being an inclusive school and is focused on achieving the full potential of all its students.

Leaving Certificate

The Leaving Certificate is offered at higher and ordinary levels in the following subjects:










Agricultural Science



Design & Communications Technology

Construction Studies


Physical Education (Exam Subject)


Home Economics (New Syllabus – Scientific & Social)

Art (with Craftwork option)

Career Guidance

Religious Education.

The academic work in the classroom is supplemented by an excellent career guidance programme delivered by a fully-qualified Guidance Counsellor who is a permanent member of staff.

Leaving Certificate Applied Programme (LCAP)

LCA is well established in St Brogans. It’s an alternative option for senior cycle students who want to get their leaving certificate. It’s aimed at students who are not planning on progressing directly to third level. It is a practical based leaving certificate aimed at preparing students for the world of work and adult life. Students carry out a number of tasks and practical work that improve their organisational and interpersonal skills, the course also aims at improving communication and social skills amongst the group. LCA students in St Brogans attend 4 days a week and go to work experience on day 5.   LCA Co-Ordinator: Nuala Falvey For full details visit the official Leaving Certificate Applied website.

Adult Education

The provision of courses for adults is an integral part of St. Brogan’s commitment to the local community. The day and night programmes consisting of two terms per year, September-December and January-April, are very well supported by the community. Details re our adult education courses are publicised in the local press.

Moderate Learning Needs Class (Rang Iosaif)

Rang Iosaif caters for boys and girls of middle-to-late teenage years with moderate learning disabilities. The teacher in charge is assisted by a number of classroom assistants. The class undertakes a whole range of subjects and particular emphasis is placed on the acquisition of social and personal skills. The class size rarely exceeds ten students.


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